Lisa Larson

Lisa Larson

Lisa Larson was born in 1931 in Härlunda (south of Sweden) and was a creative go-getter from childhood. She was encouraged by her dad (sawmill owner by trade and art lover by choice) to pursue her interests, painting, designing clothes and carving wooden figurines from a young age. Originally wanting to go into fashion design … Continued

Hornsea Hound

Hornsea Hound

Hornsea Pottery comes from Hornsea. I don’t know what marketing wunderkind they had on the payroll back then, but his genius is surpassed only by cleaning company Spruce Springclean and Melbourne’s very own Just Falafs. The name stuck. Say it now and you’re more likely to know the pottery than its namesake. What they lacked … Continued

Bertil Fridhagen

Bertil Fridhagen

Bertil Fridhagen, owner of the world’s most intense stare, was born in 1905 in Norra Sandsjo parish, Jonkoping country. This giant of Swedish design grew up in Bodafors, home of I’m-not-sure-exactly-what apart from Bertil Fridhagen, and soon followed his carpenter father into the family trade. Having gleaned every last bit of woodworking know-how from his … Continued